Thursday, April 17, 2008

Expedition #9 - Stop Smoking

Hey Guys,

A little background on myself, I am the son of a Respiratory Therapist, so my point of view of smoking is a concerned one. While I believe that you should be able to smoke wherever you want and take up any voice you want, I don't smoke and definetley encourage those close to me to take re-evaluate smoking as part of their lifestyle, cause well I'm too familiar with the effects of it all and don't really see any upside.

So that's why when I found the "Become an Ex" Network on Ning I felt I'd dedicate a whole post to this cause I think it's important that people trying to quit can find who can relate to the struggle of quiting. This has definetley been a successful network with lots of activity and over 1000 members.

I thought I'd set some standards for an active network, so here is the minimums I'll use to consider a network "active":

- at least 100 members

- activity in the feed within the last 7 days

- Alex Merced


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